Griff II is calling all Bulldogs to rally support for this year’s All In! Put a little bounce in his bulldog step by joining him for the 24-Hour Giving Challenge, noon to noon, March 6-7, 2025. We’ll have 24 hours to unlock tens of thousands of dollars in matching gifts—this is a day even Griff II can’t pause for a nap!**
While the total amount of dollars raised makes Griff II very happy, what makes his heart swell is seeing Bulldogs come together to transform lives and strengthen communities, and this year, he has set the bar high—he needs 1,250 Bulldogs and friends to raise their paw.
Gifts support so many things it’s hard for Griff II to keep count (that could be because he prefers dog-year math)—from seven colleges and schools to 18 athletic teams to a plethora of programs and centers that give Drake students an unparalleled educational experience—your generosity is truly transformational.
You have provided the foundation for innovation across our campus and built bridges to meaningful personal and professional connections across communities. And that’s why Griff II loves you all most. More than puppuccinos and popcorn even, Griff II loves his pack.
Let’s go Bulldogs.
**This is likely not true. Griff II will undoubtedly need to pause for a nap. Ahem. Some naps.